Data Wrangling

In this chapter, we will see the following:

  • DataFrames in Python with Pandas
  • Datetimes and indexing
  • Aggregating, transforming, and joining data
  • Missing data and imputation

The dataset used in this Chapter comes from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics .

Introduction to Pandas

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

One might think that we have everything that we need to work with data. We can read data with built-in Python functions and we can store and manipulate that data with Numpy. Numpy is based around the Array, and Pandas is based around the DataFrame. Unlike the Array, the Dataframe treats each axis differently, with named columns and indexed rows. Pandas does this under the assumption that a DataFrame holds a large sample of a limited number of variables. Each column corresponds to a variable, while each row corresponds to an individual, time-point, or other index for repeated data.

Due to this presumption, Pandas is able to optimize operations such as indexing, aggregation, and time series statistics. It also has great Input/Output tools for reading delimited data, working with databases, and HDF5 data. Pandas is built around the data types: DataFrames, Series. Roughly, a Series is a list of indices and values (think of a time series where the datatime is the index), and a DataFrame is a dictionary where the keys are the column names and the values are entire Series, and these Series have a common index. This is a high-level overview of Pandas, and for more syntax details see the panda docs


Let’s simulate a Brownian motion so that we can discuss Series objects. You can see a plot of this below, we will go over data visualization in the next chapter.

T = 1000
innov = np.random.normal(0,1,T)
brown = np.cumsum(innov)

Let’s suppose that the above simulation represents the change in a stock price starting from Jan 1, 2015. Pandas provides a tool for making sequences of datetimes; the following makes a DateTimeIndex object.

days = pd.date_range('1/1/2015',periods=T,freq='d')

We will return to datetime functionality in Pandas later. Another option for working with datetimes is the datetime package, which has the date, time, and datetime types and a timedelta object for increments of time. To see the specifics of the datetime package you can look at the datetime documentation

The resulting list contains the dates, for example,

Timestamp('2016-08-23 00:00:00', freq='D')

We can initialize a series with a 1D array and an index sequence. If you omit the index then it will index with the row number. You can also initialize with dictionaries where the index values are the keys and the values are the data.

stock = pd.Series(brown,index=days)

The Series object should be thought of as a vector of data where each value is attached to an index value. Series operations will preserve the indices when they can. You can slice a series as if it were an array; in the following, we look at every seventh day in the first 100 days.

2015-01-01   -0.132526
2015-01-08    3.900432
2015-01-15    7.371181
2015-01-22    6.224340
2015-01-29    3.449301
2015-02-05    1.346746
2015-02-12    2.084879
2015-02-19   -0.752967
2015-02-26   -0.983502
2015-03-05   -0.575965
2015-03-12    1.140087
2015-03-19   -2.205040
2015-03-26   -2.214539
2015-04-02   -1.170000
2015-04-09   -1.984565
Freq: 7D, dtype: float64

Due to the indexing, we can also think of this as a dictionary, as in the following.


One of the key features that makes the series different from an array is that operations between two series will align the indices. For example, suppose that we have bought 100 shares of another stock on Jan 1, 2016, which we can simulate as well. As usual, since we are reusing code, let’s wrap it up in a function which we could put in a module.

def stock_sim(T,day1):
    """Simulate a stock for T days starting from day1"""
    innov = np.random.normal(0,1,T)
    brown = np.cumsum(innov)
    days = pd.date_range(day1,periods=T,freq='d')
    return pd.Series(brown,index=days)
T = 1000 - 365
day1 = '2016/1/1'
stock_2 = stock_sim(T,day1)

For each date we would like to see the difference between the value of the portfolio and the amount we spent on the portfolio. This is proportional to the sum of the two changes in stock price since we have bought even amounts of each stock.

portfolio = stock.add(stock_2,fill_value=0)

stock and stock_2 have different lengths but we are able to add them because the indices can be matched. So after 2016 the change in value of stock 2 is added to stock 1 since that will correspond to the change in portfolio value. We had to specify a fill_value of 0 otherwise it would try report the portfolio value as missing before 2016. We can plot this.

# See next chapter
ax = portfolio.plot(title="Portfolio gain")


You should think of a dataframe as a collection of series objects with a common index. Each series in the dataframe has a different name, and they should be thought of as different variables. We can initialize the dataframe with a dictionary mapping names to series objects.

port_df = pd.DataFrame({'stock 1':stock,'stock 2':stock_2,'portfolio':portfolio})

If we had passed arrays instead of series then the default index of the row numbers would be used. You can also pass a 2D array and specify the indices and columns arguments. There are other ways to initialize a dataframe, such as from lists of tuples and lists of dictionaries.

We can view the first few rows of any dataframe with the head method.

stock 1 stock 2 portfolio
2015-01-01 -0.132526 NaN -0.132526
2015-01-02 -0.087030 NaN -0.087030
2015-01-03 -1.578688 NaN -1.578688
2015-01-04 -0.240958 NaN -0.240958
2015-01-05 1.170581 NaN 1.170581

We see that stock 2 was filled with NaN values. We can also get at the indices and names via

DatetimeIndex(['2015-01-01', '2015-01-02', '2015-01-03', '2015-01-04',
               '2015-01-05', '2015-01-06', '2015-01-07'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')
Index(['stock 1', 'stock 2', 'portfolio'], dtype='object')

Accessing elements in a dataframe differs from arrays in the following ways:

  • dataframes act like dictionaries from the column names to the column
  • slicing is done over the row indices
  • to
port_df['stock 1'].head() # this returns the column
2015-01-01   -0.132526
2015-01-02   -0.087030
2015-01-03   -1.578688
2015-01-04   -0.240958
2015-01-05    1.170581
Freq: D, Name: stock 1, dtype: float64
port_df['2015/1/1':'2016/1/1'].head() #this returns a slice of rows
stock 1 stock 2 portfolio
2015-01-01 -0.132526 NaN -0.132526
2015-01-02 -0.087030 NaN -0.087030
2015-01-03 -1.578688 NaN -1.578688
2015-01-04 -0.240958 NaN -0.240958
2015-01-05 1.170581 NaN 1.170581

Boolean fancy indexing works in the place of the slice above as well, for example, we can select rows with a boolean series,

port_df[port_df['portfolio'] > port_df['stock 1']].head()
stock 1 stock 2 portfolio
2016-01-01 8.154289 0.702001 8.856290
2016-01-12 3.746795 0.412568 4.159364
2016-01-13 1.930705 0.585910 2.516615
2016-01-18 -2.250490 0.158522 -2.091968
2016-01-19 -1.874360 0.796581 -1.077779

which will find the elements in which the portfolio is better off than just our share in stock 1. The comparison between the portfolio and stock 1 is not quite fair because we invested more money in the portfolio. We can create new columns via the following assignment,

s1sim = port_df['stock 1'].add(port_df['stock 1']['2016/1/1':],fill_value=0)
port_df['stock 1 sim'] = s1sim
port_df[port_df['portfolio'] > port_df['stock 1 sim']].head()
stock 1 stock 2 portfolio stock 1 sim
2016-01-16 -2.004913 -1.310433 -3.315347 -4.009827
2016-01-17 -2.863114 -0.532889 -3.396003 -5.726228
2016-01-18 -2.250490 0.158522 -2.091968 -4.500980
2016-01-19 -1.874360 0.796581 -1.077779 -3.748719
2016-01-20 -1.835044 1.822567 -0.012477 -3.670089

We added the value of stock 1 after 2016 to all of stock 1 to see what the price would be if we invested in stock 1 again on Jan 1, 2016. If we wanted to select instead a specific date, we would need to use the loc method,

stock 1        11.191251
stock 2         2.867483
portfolio      14.058734
stock 1 sim    22.382501
Name: 2016-07-27 00:00:00, dtype: float64

We can select and slice the dataframe as if it were a Numpy array using the iloc method,

stock 1 stock 2 portfolio
2016-02-05 -3.581697 6.968880 3.387182
2016-02-06 -3.854760 6.472026 2.617266
2016-02-07 -2.697462 7.555933 4.858471
2016-02-08 -4.389190 10.106156 5.716965
2016-02-09 -4.027021 8.067919 4.040898

Other things to be aware of are

  • the info method which provides the types and information of the columns,
  • many elementwise Numpy operations can be performed on series and dataframes, such as np.exp
  • Pandas has many of the same descriptive statistics such as dataframe.mean() including min, max, std, count,...

We can see many of the descriptive statistics with the describe method.

stock 1 stock 2 portfolio stock 1 sim
count 1000.000000 635.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
mean 2.209039 8.755110 7.768534 2.802033
std 6.782089 9.029220 11.534137 12.119164
min -13.394813 -14.372408 -20.329462 -26.789627
25% -2.834049 3.965685 0.280122 -4.962457
50% 3.748605 11.666626 7.178422 4.646818
75% 7.014775 15.381508 16.705302 10.896449
max 16.995441 23.052934 32.141200 29.696000

Wrangling data with indices

Reading data and datetime indexing

In this section, we will go over reading data with Pandas and datetime functionality. This is meant to explain why these tools exist and their basic functionality. For more detail, look at

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Pandas is especially useful because of its excellent Input/Output (I/O) functions. The read_csv command has a few different ways of working. If you specify that you want an iterator, with the iterator argument, then you can get something that works like the CSV reader object. You can also specify a chunksize, and then it returns an iterator that will read the file in chunks (the first k likes, then the next k, etc.), which is great for files that you cannot store in memory. By default read_csv loads the file all at once. For example, we could read in all of the following data file:

colnames = ['Origin','Dest','Origin City','Dest City',
        'Passengers','Seats','Flights','Distance','Date','Origin Pop','Dest Pop']
flights = pd.read_csv('../data/flight_red.tsv',sep='\t',header=None,names=colnames)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1140706 entries, 0 to 1140705
Data columns (total 11 columns):
Origin         1140706 non-null object
Dest           1140706 non-null object
Origin City    1140706 non-null object
Dest City      1140706 non-null object
Passengers     1140706 non-null int64
Seats          1140706 non-null int64
Flights        1140706 non-null int64
Distance       1140706 non-null float64
Date           1140706 non-null int64
Origin Pop     1140706 non-null int64
Dest Pop       1140706 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(6), object(4)
memory usage: 95.7+ MB

Let’s suppose that we did not want to work with over 1 million rows at once, and will instead just work in chunks. We can use the chunksize argument, which will then create an iterator that will yield DataFrames with that number of rows.

flights_it = pd.read_csv('../data/flight_red.tsv',sep='\t',header=None,
                         chunksize=100000, names=colnames)
flights = next(flights_it)
(100000, 11)

We have a dataframe with the same dtypes that we see from the output of info() above, but with 100,000 rows. Let’s look at the head of this dataframe.

Origin Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Date Origin Pop Dest Pop
0 MHK AMW Manhattan, KS Ames, IA 21 30 1 254.0 200810 122049 86219
1 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 5186 6845 185 116.0 200508 2084053 140962
2 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 2781 4650 155 116.0 200508 2084053 140962
3 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 66 70 1 116.0 200502 2084053 140962
4 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 3791 5143 139 116.0 200502 2084053 140962

There are several other similar methods for reading filetypes other than CSV. For example, read_excel, read_hdf, read_stata, read_sas will read excel, HDF5, Stata, and SAS files. We will return to reading JSON and HTML files later, but will generally not use Pandas for these.

If we look at the Date column, we see that this is currently a string (called an Object in Pandas—this is related to json). It should be a date, so let’s convert it using pd.t_datetime.

flights['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(flights['Date'],format='%Y%m')
Origin Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Date Origin Pop Dest Pop
0 MHK AMW Manhattan, KS Ames, IA 21 30 1 254.0 2008-10-01 122049 86219
1 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 5186 6845 185 116.0 2005-08-01 2084053 140962
2 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 2781 4650 155 116.0 2005-08-01 2084053 140962
3 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 66 70 1 116.0 2005-02-01 2084053 140962
4 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 3791 5143 139 116.0 2005-02-01 2084053 140962

Converting this to datetime makes each individual entry a Timestamp object.

ts = flights.loc[0,'Date']
Timestamp('2008-10-01 00:00:00')

The Timestamp should be thought of as a point in time, and it can have resolution down to the nanosecond. The other type of datetime in Pandas is the Period, which should be thought of as a range of time. It is clear from the dataset that we are actually dealing with monthly periods of time, and every number there is an aggregate of the flights in that month. We can convert individual Timestamps into Periods by initializing a Period instance and specifying a frequency.

Period('2008-10', 'M')

Pandas allows us to manipulate Timestamps and Periods using the offset module.

ts + pd.tseries.offsets.Hour(2)
Timestamp('2008-10-01 02:00:00')

The Period is has a frequency, and you can add an offset that is consistent with that frequency. For example,

p = pd.Period('2014-07-01 09:00', freq='D')
p + pd.tseries.offsets.Day(2)
Period('2014-07-03', 'D')

works, while the following does not

p = pd.Period('2014-07-01 09:00', freq='M')
p + pd.tseries.offsets.Day(2)

IncompatibleFrequency                     Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-199-be7758fde5ae> in <module>()
      1 p = pd.Period('2014-07-01 09:00', freq='M')
----> 2 p + pd.tseries.offsets.Day(2)

pandas/_libs/tslibs/period.pyx in pandas._libs.tslibs.period._Period.__add__()

pandas/_libs/tslibs/period.pyx in pandas._libs.tslibs.period._Period._add_delta()

IncompatibleFrequency: Input cannot be converted to Period(freq=M)

because of the offset has resolution that is smaller than the frequency.

The Timestamp has a resolution, which acts a lot like the frequency of the Period, so why use one over the other? Because the Period is assumed to be a range of time, it has some attributes and methods that the Timestamp does not and vice versa. For example,

p.start_time, p.end_time
(Timestamp('2014-07-01 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2014-07-31 23:59:59.999999999'))

The start_time and end_time can be used to test if a Timestamp falls within a Period. Also, the Timestamp has, for example, the day_name method.

You can also subtract a Timestamp Series by an offset, or if you have a DatetimeIndex (or PeriodIndex) you can use the Shift method.

dts = pd.Series(pd.date_range('1998-12-30', '2000-5-5'))
lag = dts - pd.tseries.offsets.Day(1)
1998-12-30 00:00:00 1998-12-29 00:00:00
dti = pd.DatetimeIndex(dts)
print(dti[0], dti.shift(-1,freq='D')[0])
1998-12-30 00:00:00 1998-12-29 00:00:00

If we will be using a Period for indexing we can create a PeriodIndex object. The PeriodIndex and the DatetimeIndex are both special types that should be used to construct an time index for the DataFrame. Quite often, but not always, a datetime is a natural choice of index for the DataFrame, instead of the row number. We set a column to be the index of the DataFrame with the set_index method.

flights['Date'] = pd.PeriodIndex(flights['Date'],freq='M')
flights = flights.set_index('Date')
Origin Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
2008-10 MHK AMW Manhattan, KS Ames, IA 21 30 1 254.0 122049 86219
2005-08 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 5186 6845 185 116.0 2084053 140962
2005-08 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 2781 4650 155 116.0 2084053 140962
2005-02 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 66 70 1 116.0 2084053 140962
2005-02 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 3791 5143 139 116.0 2084053 140962

Now that we have an index, we can select elements based on it, and slice with it.

Origin Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
2009-02 LAX RDM Los Angeles, CA Bend, OR 1149 1976 26 726.0 25749594 158629
2009-02 LAX RDM Los Angeles, CA Bend, OR 62 70 1 726.0 25749594 158629
2009-02 RNO RDM Reno, NV Bend, OR 39 74 1 336.0 419261 158629
2009-02 FAT RDM Fresno, CA Bend, OR 0 30 1 521.0 915267 158629
2009-02 AZA RDM Phoenix, AZ Bend, OR 1019 1200 8 911.0 4364094 158629

In the above display we can see that Date is certainly not a unique index, since the first several rows all correspond to the same Date. Even if we specify an Origin, Dest, and Date you will not receive a unique entry. Let’s focus just on the flights that are going from LAX to DFW. We will then use groupby which will allow us to aggregate the entries in the same month—we will return to this later.

flight_sel = flights[(flights['Origin']=='LAX') & (flights['Dest']=='DFW')]
flight_sel = flight_sel.groupby(level=0).sum()
Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
2005-01 72928 96548 645 16055.0 331790550 151226582
2005-02 57787 71029 471 13585.0 280745850 127960954
2005-03 71404 79866 531 12350.0 255223500 116328140
2005-04 68931 80668 529 12350.0 255223500 116328140
2005-05 72026 87333 577 13585.0 280745850 127960954

Another common operation for datetimes is to convert to different frequencies, and interpolate new points. If we just want to change the frequency of the datetimes, we can use the asfreq method which can work of DatetimeIndex or PeriodIndex objects.

2005    72928
2005    57787
2005    71404
2005    68931
2005    72026
Freq: A-DEC, Name: Passengers, dtype: int64

This merely forgets what the month was for that entry. Downsampling means that we want to aggregate to give the index a lower frequency. For example, we can downsample by summing all entries with the same year. To do this we use the resample method, which you then need to pass to an aggregation method to output a DataFrame.

2005    880936
2006    881529
2007    874082
Freq: A-DEC, Name: Passengers, dtype: int64

Upsampling means that you will give the index a higher frequency, but to do so we need to interpolate entries or add missingness. You can also use resample for downsampling, and if you then use the asfreq method, it will fill all but the first entry with missing values.

flight_rs = flight_sel['Passengers'].resample('D').asfreq()
2005-01-01    72928.0
2005-01-02        NaN
2005-01-03        NaN
2005-01-04        NaN
2005-01-05        NaN
Freq: D, Name: Passengers, dtype: float64

Alternatively you can fill using ffill for forward filling (or also bfill for backward filling).

flight_rs = flight_sel['Passengers'].resample('D').ffill()
2005-01-01    72928
2005-01-02    72928
2005-01-03    72928
2005-01-04    72928
2005-01-05    72928
Freq: D, Name: Passengers, dtype: int64

Using forward filling on this dataset does not make much sense because it implies that each day has the same number of passengers as the month. It would be better to fill with the monthly average. The interested reader should attempt to make this type of fill with the simplest code as possible.

Pandas also has many other very handy tools for datetimes such as

  • business days
  • weekdays, holidays
  • time zones

Advanced Indexing in Pandas

We have already seen the basics of indices and using datetimes, but it is important to look at indexing in more depth. Indexing is important because it will allow you to do the following:

  • intuitively slice and select the dataframe based on the index,
  • automatically align dataframes by the index,
  • provide an default variable for visualization and aggregation.

We have already seen how to slice and combine dataframes with an index in Pandas. We also have seen the use of set_index for setting a column as an index variable. You can also use multiple columns as indices, as in

flights = flights.set_index('Origin',append=True) # Append does not overwrite Date
Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
Date Origin
2008-10 MHK AMW Manhattan, KS Ames, IA 21 30 1 254.0 122049 86219
2005-08 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 5186 6845 185 116.0 2084053 140962
PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 2781 4650 155 116.0 2084053 140962
2005-02 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 66 70 1 116.0 2084053 140962
PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 3791 5143 139 116.0 2084053 140962

You can always undo this operation with the following:

flights = flights.reset_index()
Date Origin Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
0 2008-10 MHK AMW Manhattan, KS Ames, IA 21 30 1 254.0 122049 86219
1 2005-08 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 5186 6845 185 116.0 2084053 140962
2 2005-08 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 2781 4650 155 116.0 2084053 140962
3 2005-02 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 66 70 1 116.0 2084053 140962
4 2005-02 PDX RDM Portland, OR Bend, OR 3791 5143 139 116.0 2084053 140962

Let’s set the multi-index again with the following,

flights = flights.set_index(['Date','Origin'])

You can select elements using loc with tuples as in the following,

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance.
  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
Date Origin
2008-01 LAX RDM Los Angeles, CA Bend, OR 2228 4262 57 726.0 25536790 157730
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 1093 1450 29 390.0 25536790 416657
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 67 132 2 390.0 25536790 416657
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 2093 2950 59 390.0 25536790 416657
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 6002 8696 116 390.0 25536790 416657

Why did we get a PerformanceWarning? There is a much bigger story behind this. Recall that different data structures can optimize look-ups. For example, the sorted container and dictionaries had very fast loop-ups because we designed the data structure to make this operation quick. Pandas sorts the first index by default, which means that selection on that index is quick. This is because Pandas can use bisection to quickly find entries. This is not true for the second index, and we have to sort it as well.

flights = flights.sort_index()
Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
Date Origin
2008-01 LAX RDM Los Angeles, CA Bend, OR 2228 4262 57 726.0 25536790 157730
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 1093 1450 29 390.0 25536790 416657
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 67 132 2 390.0 25536790 416657
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 2093 2950 59 390.0 25536790 416657
LAX RNO Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV 6002 8696 116 390.0 25536790 416657

If you supply only one argument then it will match those to the first index by default.

Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
Date Origin
2008-01 ABE BOS Allentown, PA Boston, MA 0 57 10 258.0 811669 9089410
ABI ACT Abilene, TX Waco, TX 24 50 1 154.0 159059 230849
ABQ RNO Albuquerque, NM Reno, NV 118 150 1 787.0 846582 416657
ABQ TPA Albuquerque, NM Tampa, FL 2973 4247 31 1497.0 846582 2730007
ABQ TUL Albuquerque, NM Tulsa, OK 661 1600 32 608.0 846582 916037

Grouping, aggregating, transforming

We have seen aggregation by downsampling with datetimes. We can break the aggregation process into group and aggregate. The grouping specifies the variable to group on, and the DataFrame is then primed to be aggregated. To do this, we use the groupby method. We can either specify a variable name to group by, or specify a level. The level indicates the level of the multi-index, so level=0 means that we group by the Date and level=1 means that we group by both Date and Origin.

fgb = flights.groupby(level=0)

This outputs a specific type that is not very useful without another operation afterwards. After grouping there are a few basic operations that can do,

  1. Splitting: breaking the DataFrame into multiple DataFrames by splitting on the groupby variable
  2. Aggregation: reduce the DataFrame to a smaller DataFrame by aggregating the entries within a group
  3. Transformation: apply a group specific transformation

The groupby object is iterable, so it can be used in a for loop. It will iterate through the groups, for example, the first element of the sequence is the following tuple:

fgi = iter(fgb)
i, df = next(fgi)
Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
Date Origin
2005-01 ABE ALB Allentown, PA Albany, NY 96 475 25 167.0 786034 846357
ABE ALB Allentown, PA Albany, NY 0 0 1 167.0 786034 846357
ABE BOS Allentown, PA Boston, MA 0 0 16 258.0 786034 8917782
ABE BOS Allentown, PA Boston, MA 0 0 3 258.0 786034 8917782
ABI EKO Abilene, TX Elko, NV 52 122 1 1064.0 158713 45801

this tuple has the index or column value for the group for the first entry, and the DataFrame of that group as the second entry. We can then use this groupby object in a for loop.

It is more common to use the groupby operation with aggregation. There are many methods that do this such as

Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
2005-01 5046686 7668298 76997 1521528.0 11962365587 13628265972
2005-02 4918624 7065237 70211 1401845.0 10871394255 12095147428
2005-03 6153200 7977597 79428 1387092.0 11305919602 12217493673
2005-04 5631513 7788168 76576 1367746.0 10735150531 11926205664
2005-05 5796881 7958773 78806 1302558.0 10534055372 11322419620

Other than sum we also have mean, size, count, std, describe, min, max.

Transformations can be applied column-wise to an entire DataFrame with the apply method. For example, we can apply the following range based transformation to all of the variables.

def range_stand(x):
    if x.dtype == 'object':
        return x
    xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
    return (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)

flights_R = flights.transform(range_stand)
Dest Origin City Dest City Passengers Seats Flights Distance Origin Pop Dest Pop
Date Origin
2005-01 ABE ALB Allentown, PA Albany, NY 0.001577 0.006627 0.047438 0.034348 0.020272 0.067561
ABE ALB Allentown, PA Albany, NY 0.000000 0.000000 0.001898 0.034348 0.020272 0.067561
ABE BOS Allentown, PA Boston, MA 0.000000 0.000000 0.030361 0.053065 0.020272 0.723892
ABE BOS Allentown, PA Boston, MA 0.000000 0.000000 0.005693 0.053065 0.020272 0.723892
ABI EKO Abilene, TX Elko, NV 0.000854 0.001702 0.001898 0.218840 0.003818 0.002464

This will apply the standardization to the full dataset. Suppose instead we wanted a group specific transformation. We can use the Groupby object for this. In introductory statistics courses, we learn about the process of studentization (a specific standardization). The idea of studentization is to take a first order statistic and divide it by an estimate of the standard deviation of this statistic. The Z-score is a good example of this. Define the following function,

def Zscore(x):
    return (x - x.mean()) / x.std()

flights_Z = fgb.transform(Zscore)

In order to verify that this actually computed the Z-score we can compute the group mean and std,

Passengers Seats ... Origin Pop Dest Pop
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean ... 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
2005-01 2171.0 3.436526e-17 1.0 -0.512865 -0.504482 -0.418658 0.081281 8.986194 2171.0 -6.545764e-18 ... -0.008587 4.117544 2171.0 -7.363985e-17 1.0 -1.270299 -1.101795 0.535650 1.086447 1.086447
2005-02 1940.0 -1.098777e-17 1.0 -0.546320 -0.535977 -0.418325 0.086327 8.430323 1940.0 7.325183e-18 ... 0.343680 4.079229 1940.0 -4.303545e-17 1.0 -1.267042 -1.097813 0.546674 1.099840 1.099840
2005-03 1958.0 1.088676e-17 1.0 -0.547159 -0.539977 -0.438775 0.084819 8.516516 1958.0 -2.268076e-17 ... 0.313345 3.949029 1958.0 -9.072303e-17 1.0 -1.273532 -1.103577 0.547960 1.103497 1.103497
2005-04 1908.0 5.120525e-17 1.0 -0.527864 -0.516820 -0.426728 0.074976 8.233367 1908.0 9.310046e-18 ... 0.099313 4.078980 1908.0 3.351617e-17 1.0 -1.271101 -1.101767 0.543750 1.097262 1.097262
2005-05 1835.0 2.516909e-17 1.0 -0.536164 -0.526829 -0.441798 0.095119 8.081325 1835.0 0.000000e+00 ... 0.322567 4.016117 1835.0 2.904126e-18 1.0 -1.249219 -1.080626 0.557683 1.108771 1.108771

5 rows × 48 columns

Concatenating and joining DataFrames

We have already seen how indexing can be used to add two DataFrames or Series together. The idea is that two elements get added together if they have the same index. Of course, there are other ways to combine DataFrames, particularly concatenating and joining. The simple rule is for joining datasets with the same or similar columns by stacking them you want to concatenate; if you want to combine datasets with different columns by matching indices then you want to join.

At the beginning of the section, we worked with only the first chunk of the data. Suppose that we want to just read in the the data with a certain destination airport and sum the passengers, flights, and seats that arrive there. I will create an iterator with the following method.

def _proc_flights(dest,filename = '../data/flight_red.tsv'):
    """iterator that runs through the flight data"""
    flights_it = pd.read_csv(filename,sep='\t',header=None,
                             chunksize=100000, names=colnames)
    for flights in flights_it:
        flights['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(flights['Date'],format='%Y%m') # process Date
        flights['Date'] = pd.PeriodIndex(flights['Date'],freq='M')
        flights = flights[flights['Dest'] == dest] # filter by destination
        flights = flights.set_index(['Date','Origin']) # will group by Origin and Date
        flights = flights[colnames[4:7]] # select just Pass, Seats, Flights
        yield flights.groupby(level=[0,1]).sum() # sum within Origin and Date

Then we can use this iterator to read in the data and add it sequentially,

def read_dest(dest):
    """read the flight data to a destination"""
    pf = _proc_flights(dest)
    flights = next(pf)
    for df in pf:
        flights = flights.add(df,fill_value=0)
    return flights

Because these processes above can take some time, it is best practice to put them in a module and run them in the background in the command line.

Let’s apply this to the BOS and DFW airports,

BOS = read_dest('BOS')
Passengers Seats Flights
Date Origin
2005-01 ABE 0.0 0.0 19.0
ALB 507.0 1436.0 73.0
ATL 52226.0 73879.0 436.0
AUG 250.0 1672.0 88.0
BDL 770.0 1292.0 10.0
DFW = read_dest('DFW')
Passengers Seats Flights
Date Origin
2005-01 ABI 4161.0 7146.0 173.0
ABQ 22671.0 36362.0 333.0
ACT 3946.0 6430.0 182.0
AEX 1017.0 2580.0 57.0
AFW 92.0 180.0 1.0

An example of concatenation is the following, which you can think of as stacking the DataFrames on top of one another.

pieces = {'BOS':BOS, 'DFW':DFW}
BDcon = pd.concat(pieces)
Passengers Seats Flights
Date Origin
BOS 2005-01 ABE 0.0 0.0 19.0
ALB 507.0 1436.0 73.0
ATL 52226.0 73879.0 436.0
AUG 250.0 1672.0 88.0
BDL 770.0 1292.0 10.0

The above code added an additional index at level 0 that specifies which DataFrame that the record is from. The keys for this index were supplied as the keys in the dictionary pieces. We could also have supplied this using the keys argument in concat and instead passed a list of the dictionaries.

Joining is another way to combine DataFrames. We will return to the concept of joins tables in more detail when we talk about relational databases in Unit 2. The basic idea is that we match the entries of one dataframe to another by their indices. Throughout let’s assume that the DataFrames in question have unique indices as above.

BDjoin = BOS.join(DFW,lsuffix='_DFW',rsuffix='_BOS')
print(BDjoin.shape, BOS.shape)
(4027, 6) (4027, 3)
Passengers_DFW Seats_DFW Flights_DFW Passengers_BOS Seats_BOS Flights_BOS
Date Origin
2005-01 ABE 0.0 0.0 19.0 NaN NaN NaN
ALB 507.0 1436.0 73.0 NaN NaN NaN
ATL 52226.0 73879.0 436.0 91441.0 131566.0 985.0
AUG 250.0 1672.0 88.0 NaN NaN NaN
BDL 770.0 1292.0 10.0 9251.0 11875.0 92.0

Six variables were created in this new DataFrame with names that are the variable names and the specified suffices appended to the column names. We see that the join will take each index on the first DataFrame (called the left table) and try to find an entry in the second DataFrame (called the right table) and append those variables to the row, with NaNs entered when there is no match. This is called a left join. The types of join are,

  • left join: the rows in the left table are preserved, and matched to rows in the right table with NaNs when there is no match.
  • right join: the rows in the right table are preserved, and matched to rows in the left table with NaNs when there is no match.
  • inner join: the rows in the left and right tables are matched and the row is omitted if there is no match (this intersects the two tables indices).
  • outer join: the rows in the left and right table are matched, either table’s variables are filled with NaNs when there is no match (this unions the two tables indices).

You can specify the way that we join the two tables with the how argument, which is "left" by default.


Missing data is one of the most common unforeseen issues in data analysis. In a prediction problem, we can deal with missing predictor variables by engineering features that are missingness-aware. In this case, simple imputation methods may suffice. When a variable of interest is missing, such as the response variable in prediction, these same imputation methods may lead us to some strange conclusions. First, let’s go over some basics of missing data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm

Let’s begin our discussion of the different types of missing by simulating a dataset with missingness. In the following, we have a dataset with two variable where each entry of the first is not missing with probability .84 and is missing otherwise. The second variable is non-missing.

p = .84
X = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,2))
M = np.random.binomial(1,.84,n) == 0
X[M,0] = np.nan # X0 is not missing with prob .84
X_MCAR = pd.DataFrame(X)
0 1
0 0.327573 -2.403688
1 -0.549736 -0.537814
2 NaN -0.169579
3 0.047577 -0.013752
4 0.808157 0.234873

We can see that a missing value is encoded as a NaN in the DataFrame. The missing value may be encoded differently depending on the column type (datetimes encode missingness as NaT for example). For numerical types this is np.nan.

0 1
count 170.000000 200.000000
mean -0.176160 -0.055610
std 1.019463 0.949872
min -2.460313 -2.403688
25% -0.919884 -0.616639
50% -0.242606 -0.046619
75% 0.515983 0.634754
max 2.886748 2.643257

We can see that there are many missing values because the count is smaller in X0. All of statistics in the describe function other than count are computed with the missingness ignored. Typically, Pandas ignores missingness by default when computing statistics and making plots. We can expect that because the missingness is done randomly and independently of the other variables then these statistics are unbiased for the population statistics (if there was no missingness).

Def. When a variable is missing independently and at random, and the missingness status is not dependent on any observed value, we say the variable is missing completely at random (MCAR). In this case variable X0 is MCAR because the missingness is not dependent on X1.

Let’s simulate from a model where the missingness is dependent on the second variable, X1.

n = 200
X = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,2))
X[X[:,1] > 1.,0] = np.nan # X0 is missing if X1 > 1
X_MAR = pd.DataFrame(X)
0 1
count 172.000000 200.000000
mean 0.007135 -0.012531
std 1.027917 0.961955
min -2.497748 -2.568347
25% -0.744684 -0.557767
50% -0.100491 0.030946
75% 0.622769 0.551149
max 2.509379 3.018901

We can see that count is similar and none of the statistics for variable X0 have significantly changed. This is because X1 was drawn independently from X0, and so the missingness mechanism is also independent from X0. We will return to this dataset.

Def. When a variable is missing independently and at random, but the missingness status is dependent on another observed variable, we say the variable is missing at random (MAR). In the case above, X0 is MAR because the missingness is dependent on X1 but not explicitely on X0.

Let’s simulate from another model where the missingness of X0 is dependent on its value.

X = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,2))
X[X[:,0] > 1.,0] = np.nan # X0 is missing if X0 > 1
X_MNAR = pd.DataFrame(X)
0 1
count 167.000000 200.000000
mean -0.270645 -0.050537
std 0.816188 0.972811
min -2.974269 -2.888389
25% -0.884813 -0.690774
50% -0.151122 -0.065065
75% 0.310640 0.704453
max 0.993096 1.992330

We see that count is again similar to the previous statistics, but the other statistics have changed dramatically. The mean is brought down because we made the large values of X0 be missing, and this has likewise reduced the max which is concentrating around 1.

Def. When a variable’s missingness remains dependent on its latent value, even after conditioning on other observed values, this is called missing not at random (MNAR). This happens when the missingness is neither MAR or MCAR.

Looking at missingness in Pandas

There is typically not much we can do about MNAR data if the missing variable is of interest. On the other hand, we can sometimes guess at the missingness mechanism. For example, if we had looked at the histograms of the data,


we might notice that variable X0 has a cliff at 1. We may correctly suspect that all values above 1 were cencored.

How might we distinguish between the X_MAR and the X_MCAR datasets if we did not already know how they were simulated? In Pandas, we can test which entries are missing with isna, notna.

0 1
0 False False
1 False False
2 True False
3 False False
4 False False

This converted all of the entries to the True/False answer to “is this value missing?”. This is the preferred way to evaluate missingness because in Python np.nan == np.nan actually evaluates to False, so testing with expressions of this type doesn’t work.

You should think of the result of isna as another variable that you may want to include in your analysis. In prediction tasks we will often include these variables when we do feature engineering, as we will see later. For our purposes, we can see the difference between the X_MAR and X_MCAR data with this missingness indicator included. Specifically, we want to see what the dependence is between the missingness and other variables. We can do this by grouping by the missingness and describing the other variable. The following function adds the missingness indicator to a dataset for a variable, removes that variable, groups by the missingness, and describes the remaining variables.

def desc_missing(X,missingvar):
    """Describes the variables conditioned on the missingness"""
    X_mod = X.copy()
    X_mod['miss_ind'] = X_mod[missingvar].isna()
    del X_mod[missingvar]
    return X_mod.groupby('miss_ind').describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
False 170.0 -0.059364 0.939388 -2.403688 -0.577253 -0.046619 0.575143 2.643257
True 30.0 -0.034340 1.023837 -2.152632 -0.632773 0.029868 0.724111 1.795847
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
False 172.0 -0.255640 0.790491 -2.568347 -0.695704 -0.102948 0.379905 0.982192
True 28.0 1.480858 0.416369 1.069409 1.218558 1.365086 1.586109 3.018901

In the above displays, we see that for the MCAR dataset there is little difference between the summary statistics for X1 when X0 is missing or not. For the MAR dataset, there is a more pronounced difference between the means of these two subsets of the data. This is one indication to us that X_MAR is not MCAR.

We could also do this formally with a T-test for difference in means between two samples to do this more formally. I will assume that you recall the T-test for independence from your introductory statistics course, if not please review it before trying to parse the following code blocks.

def test_MCAR(X,missingvar,testvar):
    Test if testvar is independent of missingness
    Uses two-sided t-test with pooled variances
    X_mod = X.copy()
    X_mod['miss_ind'] = X_mod[missingvar].isna()
    del X_mod[missingvar]
    X1,X2 = [df for i,df in X_mod.groupby('miss_ind')] #split
    return sm.stats.ttest_ind(X1[testvar],X2[testvar]) #return test

In the above function we split the grouped dataframe based on the missingness status. We used the ttest_ind method in statsmodels to perform the two-sample t-test with pooled variances. The resulting P-values are below:

print("X_MCAR P-value: {}".format(test_MCAR(X_MCAR,0,1)[1]))
print("X_MAR P-value: {}".format(test_MCAR(X_MAR,0,1)[1]))
X_MCAR P-value: 0.8945613701172417
X_MAR P-value: 2.4792949402817898e-23

This provides more satisfying evidence that the dataset X_MAR is not drawn MCAR.

Dealing with missingness and simple imputation

Imputation is the process of filling in missing values. There are few great options when it comes to imputation, and very few general purpose tools that will perfectly impute missing data. Let’s discuss some reasonable simple options and their limitations.

Let’s begin by loading in the Melbourne housing dataset, which is from the Kaggle competitions: The dataset describes home sales in Melborne, Australia.

mel = pd.read_csv('../data/Melbourne_housing_FULL.csv')
Suburb Address Rooms Type Price Method SellerG Date Distance Postcode ... Bathroom Car Landsize BuildingArea YearBuilt CouncilArea Lattitude Longtitude Regionname Propertycount
0 Abbotsford 68 Studley St 2 h NaN SS Jellis 3/09/2016 2.5 3067.0 ... 1.0 1.0 126.0 NaN NaN Yarra City Council -37.8014 144.9958 Northern Metropolitan 4019.0
1 Abbotsford 85 Turner St 2 h 1480000.0 S Biggin 3/12/2016 2.5 3067.0 ... 1.0 1.0 202.0 NaN NaN Yarra City Council -37.7996 144.9984 Northern Metropolitan 4019.0
2 Abbotsford 25 Bloomburg St 2 h 1035000.0 S Biggin 4/02/2016 2.5 3067.0 ... 1.0 0.0 156.0 79.0 1900.0 Yarra City Council -37.8079 144.9934 Northern Metropolitan 4019.0
3 Abbotsford 18/659 Victoria St 3 u NaN VB Rounds 4/02/2016 2.5 3067.0 ... 2.0 1.0 0.0 NaN NaN Yarra City Council -37.8114 145.0116 Northern Metropolitan 4019.0
4 Abbotsford 5 Charles St 3 h 1465000.0 SP Biggin 4/03/2017 2.5 3067.0 ... 2.0 0.0 134.0 150.0 1900.0 Yarra City Council -37.8093 144.9944 Northern Metropolitan 4019.0

5 rows × 21 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 34857 entries, 0 to 34856
Data columns (total 21 columns):
Suburb           34857 non-null object
Address          34857 non-null object
Rooms            34857 non-null int64
Type             34857 non-null object
Price            27247 non-null float64
Method           34857 non-null object
SellerG          34857 non-null object
Date             34857 non-null object
Distance         34856 non-null float64
Postcode         34856 non-null float64
Bedroom2         26640 non-null float64
Bathroom         26631 non-null float64
Car              26129 non-null float64
Landsize         23047 non-null float64
BuildingArea     13742 non-null float64
YearBuilt        15551 non-null float64
CouncilArea      34854 non-null object
Lattitude        26881 non-null float64
Longtitude       26881 non-null float64
Regionname       34854 non-null object
Propertycount    34854 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(12), int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 5.6+ MB

From the count we can see that there is significant missingness in many of these variables. While we would like to impute as many of these values as possible, we are especially interested in imputing the Price of the home. Before we proceed with this, we can notice that Date and YearBuilt columns are not datetimes, so we should convert these first.

0    3/09/2016
1    3/12/2016
2    4/02/2016
3    4/02/2016
4    4/03/2017
Name: Date, dtype: object

Looking at the Date, we can see that the string is in a standard date format, and we can then cast as a datetime.

mel['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(mel['Date'],format="%d/%m/%Y")

The Yearbuilt variable is a bit more challenging, since it was cast as a float.

0       NaN
1       NaN
2    1900.0
3       NaN
4    1900.0
Name: YearBuilt, dtype: float64

Let’s write a custom function that converts the float first to integer, then to string, if it is not NaN.

def conv_year(y):
    if np.isnan(y):
        return np.nan
    return str(int(y))

We apply this using the apply method, then convert to a PeriodIndex object.

mel['YearBuilt'] = mel['YearBuilt'].apply(conv_year)
mel['YearBuilt'] = pd.PeriodIndex(mel['YearBuilt'],freq="Y")

We can verify that this is the desired result.

0    NaT
1    NaT
2   1900
3    NaT
4   1900
Name: YearBuilt, dtype: object

We have seen the use of isna to make a missingness indicator variable. We can easily do this to all of the variables and add missingness indicators for all of them using a join.

mel_miss = mel.isna()
mel = mel.join(mel_miss,rsuffix="_miss")

Now mel has twice the number of columns.

Index(['Suburb', 'Address', 'Rooms', 'Type', 'Price', 'Method', 'SellerG',
       'Date', 'Distance', 'Postcode', 'Bedroom2', 'Bathroom', 'Car',
       'Landsize', 'BuildingArea', 'YearBuilt', 'CouncilArea', 'Lattitude',
       'Longtitude', 'Regionname', 'Propertycount', 'Suburb_miss',
       'Address_miss', 'Rooms_miss', 'Type_miss', 'Price_miss', 'Method_miss',
       'SellerG_miss', 'Date_miss', 'Distance_miss', 'Postcode_miss',
       'Bedroom2_miss', 'Bathroom_miss', 'Car_miss', 'Landsize_miss',
       'BuildingArea_miss', 'YearBuilt_miss', 'CouncilArea_miss',
       'Lattitude_miss', 'Longtitude_miss', 'Regionname_miss',

The simplest form of imputation is to replace the missing values in a column with a single value. This can be accomplished with fillna which can take either a single value or a Series. The Series in this case has to have keys which are the column names to be filled, and the values are what to fill with.

For example, suppose that for all of the float columns we want to impute with the median, and for all of the rest we want to impute with the mode. We can use the select_dtypes to select the columns of a certain type.

imp_values = mel.select_dtypes(exclude=float).mode().loc[0] # mode returns a DataFrame
imp_values = imp_values.append(mel.select_dtypes(include=float).median())

We used append to combine the two resulting Series to give us the following,

Suburb                              Reservoir
Address                          5 Charles St
Rooms                                       3
Type                                        h
Method                                      S
SellerG                                Jellis
Date                      2017-10-28 00:00:00
YearBuilt                                1970
CouncilArea           Boroondara City Council
Regionname              Southern Metropolitan
Suburb_miss                             False
Address_miss                            False
Rooms_miss                              False
Type_miss                               False
Price_miss                              False
Method_miss                             False
SellerG_miss                            False
Date_miss                               False
Distance_miss                           False
Postcode_miss                           False
Bedroom2_miss                           False
Bathroom_miss                           False
Car_miss                                False
Landsize_miss                           False
BuildingArea_miss                        True
YearBuilt_miss                           True
CouncilArea_miss                        False
Lattitude_miss                          False
Longtitude_miss                         False
Regionname_miss                         False
Propertycount_miss                      False
Price                                  870000
Distance                                 10.3
Postcode                                 3103
Bedroom2                                    3
Bathroom                                    2
Car                                         2
Landsize                                  521
BuildingArea                              136
Lattitude                            -37.8076
Longtitude                            145.008
Propertycount                            6763
dtype: object

Now we are prepared to impute with these values. We are only going to impute with this simple scheme when CouncilArea is missing however, which we will explain shortly.

ca_na = mel['CouncilArea'].isna()
mel[ca_na] = mel[ca_na].fillna(imp_values)

We will impute using the CouncilArea as a predictor, but when it is missing we will need to impute using a single value for each column. There are only three rows with missing CouncilArea though, so this is just for completeness sake. For comparison purposes however, we can make a copy of the Price and look at the distribution before and after imputation with a single value.

price = mel['Price'].copy()

We will first look at the histogram of Price when it is non-missing. We can see from the imputed value above that the median is 870,000 AUD.

plt.title('Histogram of Price: non-missing')

Contrasting this with the histogram of the Price after we impute with the median for the non-missing, we see one immediate deficiency of imputing with a single value.

plt.title('Histogram of Price: single value imputation')

The histogram now has a spike at the imputed value. This indicates that if we impute with a single value then the sample distribution will have a point mass. Imputing with the median will preserve the median, but statistics regarding the spread of the distribution will be lower, for example, compare the median and standard deviation below (50% and std).

count    2.724700e+04
mean     1.050173e+06
std      6.414671e+05
min      8.500000e+04
25%      6.350000e+05
50%      8.700000e+05
75%      1.295000e+06
max      1.120000e+07
Name: Price, dtype: float64
count    3.485700e+04
mean     1.010838e+06
std      5.719992e+05
min      8.500000e+04
25%      6.950000e+05
50%      8.700000e+05
75%      1.150000e+06
max      1.120000e+07
Name: Price, dtype: float64

If we would like to get a more plausible sample distribution for the Price after imputation, then we have two choices: multiple imputation (which we will not go into) and imputation using prediction.

In Pandas, you can also use fillna to impute with a time series by filling in the entries by padding from a given value. This type of padding can be done in a forward or backward fashion. While we could use Date to impute the Price, it will likely be more effective to use either locational information or all of the continuous/ordinal variables including Date.

Imputation by Prediction

Recall that if a variable is MCAR then looking at the other variables should not help the imputation process. If the Price is MAR then we can impute by thinking of this as a prediction problem, with all other variables and their missingness statuses as predictors and the Price as a response.

We will first impute all of the variables using CouncilArea as the sole predictor. We can simply think of this as grouping by the CouncilArea and then imputing with a single value for that group and column. CouncilArea is a good choice as a variable to condition on since it is mostly non-missing, and as we will see in the next code block, when we group by the CouncilArea there are no columns that are all missing in a group. Hence, if we want to impute with the median or mode within a group, this will always be well defined.

ca_groupct = mel.groupby('CouncilArea').count()
(ca_groupct == 0).any().any()
# is there any column that is all NaN for any council?

In order to impute within groups we will combine the groupby method with the transform. The idea is that we want to make a transformation within each group, and this can be accomplished in the following way. But we first need to create a function that defines how we want to impute within the groups (which is the tranformation that needs to be applied).

def impute_med(x):
    """impute NaNs for Series x with median if it is a float and mode otherwise"""
    if x.dtype == float:
        return x.fillna(x.median())
    if  == "YearBuilt":
        return x.fillna(x.mode()[0])
    return x.fillna(x.mode())

In the above transformation, we test if the Series has a float dtype, and if so fill the NaNs with the median, otherwise we use the mode. The YearBuild variable is causing some troubles because the mode returns a Series and not a single value, so we will deal with that variable specifically by looking at the name of the Series.

CA = mel['CouncilArea'].copy() # the process does not preserve CouncilArea, save it
mel[~ca_na] = mel[~ca_na].groupby('CouncilArea').transform(impute_med)
mel['CouncilArea'] = CA # rewrite CouncilArea

We can see that now all values have been imputed.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 34857 entries, 0 to 34856
Data columns (total 42 columns):
Suburb                34857 non-null object
Address               34857 non-null object
Rooms                 34857 non-null int64
Type                  34857 non-null object
Price                 34857 non-null float64
Method                34857 non-null object
SellerG               34857 non-null object
Date                  34857 non-null datetime64[ns]
Distance              34857 non-null float64
Postcode              34857 non-null float64
Bedroom2              34857 non-null float64
Bathroom              34857 non-null float64
Car                   34857 non-null float64
Landsize              34857 non-null float64
BuildingArea          34857 non-null float64
YearBuilt             34857 non-null object
CouncilArea           34857 non-null object
Lattitude             34857 non-null float64
Longtitude            34857 non-null float64
Regionname            34857 non-null object
Propertycount         34857 non-null float64
Suburb_miss           34857 non-null bool
Address_miss          34857 non-null bool
Rooms_miss            34857 non-null bool
Type_miss             34857 non-null bool
Price_miss            34857 non-null bool
Method_miss           34857 non-null bool
SellerG_miss          34857 non-null bool
Date_miss             34857 non-null bool
Distance_miss         34857 non-null bool
Postcode_miss         34857 non-null bool
Bedroom2_miss         34857 non-null bool
Bathroom_miss         34857 non-null bool
Car_miss              34857 non-null bool
Landsize_miss         34857 non-null bool
BuildingArea_miss     34857 non-null bool
YearBuilt_miss        34857 non-null bool
CouncilArea_miss      34857 non-null bool
Lattitude_miss        34857 non-null bool
Longtitude_miss       34857 non-null bool
Regionname_miss       34857 non-null bool
Propertycount_miss    34857 non-null bool
dtypes: bool(21), datetime64[ns](1), float64(11), int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 6.3+ MB

Again, we can look at the histogram,

plt.title("Histogram of Price: imputed by CouncilArea")

While there seems to be a larger spike around 1M AUD, the sample distribution does look more like the original sample distribution.

We have seen how you can impute with a categorical variable as the predictor using groupby. We can also think about using the other variables, particularly the numerical variables, in a linear regressor. Before we do this however, we would like to compare prediction with the numerical variables against predicting with CouncilArea. To do this let’s make a training and testing split of the observed Price data (using the Price_miss variable). We will see the sklearn package later, but for now, we will just import the train_test_split function. This makes a randomized split of the data with a default of a 3:1 ratio for train and test sets respectively.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

train, test = train_test_split(mel[~mel['Price_miss']])

We will extract the predictions in the form of a Series with the CouncilArea as the index and the mean Price within that CouncilArea as the values.

ca_na = train['CouncilArea_miss']
tr_preds = train[~ca_na][['CouncilArea','Price']].groupby('CouncilArea').mean()

We will then join this series to the full Price data with the CouncilArea as the index. Notice that the left DataFrame is much larger and has many duplicate indices, while the indices in the right DataFrame are unique. Because this is a left join, the right Dataframe rows will be multiplied to match the multiple rows on the left.

test_dat = test[['CouncilArea','Price']]
test_dat = test_dat.set_index('CouncilArea')
test_dat = test_dat.join(tr_preds,rsuffix='_pred')

We can look at the result and see that the behavior is as expected, the Price_pred is dependent on the CouncilArea.

Price Price_pred
Banyule City Council 1278000.0 942259.175601
Banyule City Council 845000.0 942259.175601
Banyule City Council 985000.0 942259.175601
Banyule City Council 690000.0 942259.175601
Banyule City Council 728500.0 942259.175601

We can simply calculate the square error test error using the eval method. We have not gone over the eval method, but it is often handy. Since the columns are named, we can write mathematical expressions using them, then eval will evaluate it for every row of the DataFrame. We then calculate the mean.

CA_error = test_dat.eval('(Price - Price_pred)**2').mean()

Let’s consider using linear regression to predict the Price instead. We will create a handy function to select the desired predictor and response DataFrames below. We will exclude the non-numeric variables from the predictors. Critically, the missingness indicators are all included as predictor variables. We also cast the result as Numpy Arrrays with dtype of float.

def select_preds(train):
    X_tr = train.select_dtypes(include=[float,bool,int])
    Y_tr = X_tr['Price'].copy()
    del X_tr['Price']
    names = list(X_tr.columns)
    X_tr, Y_tr = X_tr.astype(float), Y_tr.astype(float)
    return Y_tr, X_tr

We then apply this to the train and test sets and fit OLS and predict on the test set.

Y_tr, X_tr = select_preds(train)
Y_te, X_te = select_preds(test)
ols_res = sm.OLS(Y_tr,X_tr).fit()
Y_pred = ols_res.predict(X_te)
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Price R-squared: 0.852
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.852
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 5871.
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 09:42:51 Log-Likelihood: -2.9610e+05
No. Observations: 20435 AIC: 5.922e+05
Df Residuals: 20415 BIC: 5.924e+05
Df Model: 20
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Rooms 3.419e+05 6794.377 50.315 0.000 3.29e+05 3.55e+05
Distance -4.733e+04 604.181 -78.341 0.000 -4.85e+04 -4.61e+04
Postcode 1160.6889 35.744 32.472 0.000 1090.628 1230.750
Bedroom2 -3.49e+04 8042.990 -4.339 0.000 -5.07e+04 -1.91e+04
Bathroom 1.741e+05 6443.674 27.020 0.000 1.61e+05 1.87e+05
Car 5.412e+04 4224.249 12.812 0.000 4.58e+04 6.24e+04
Landsize 4.1204 0.998 4.128 0.000 2.164 6.077
BuildingArea 60.9449 10.398 5.861 0.000 40.565 81.325
Lattitude -1.258e+06 4.03e+04 -31.204 0.000 -1.34e+06 -1.18e+06
Longtitude -3.509e+05 1.05e+04 -33.521 0.000 -3.71e+05 -3.3e+05
Propertycount -1.3879 0.743 -1.868 0.062 -2.844 0.069
Suburb_miss 6.778e-08 2.01e-08 3.380 0.001 2.85e-08 1.07e-07
Address_miss -2.664e-07 7.85e-08 -3.395 0.001 -4.2e-07 -1.13e-07
Rooms_miss 4.365e-07 1.29e-07 3.395 0.001 1.84e-07 6.88e-07
Type_miss 5.8e-08 1.71e-08 3.395 0.001 2.45e-08 9.15e-08
Price_miss 1.287e-08 3.8e-09 3.390 0.001 5.43e-09 2.03e-08
Method_miss -2.877e-08 8.5e-09 -3.385 0.001 -4.54e-08 -1.21e-08
SellerG_miss -2.241e-08 6.49e-09 -3.452 0.001 -3.51e-08 -9.68e-09
Date_miss -1.267e-08 3.77e-09 -3.365 0.001 -2.01e-08 -5.29e-09
Distance_miss -1.75e+05 2.91e+05 -0.601 0.548 -7.45e+05 3.95e+05
Postcode_miss -1.75e+05 2.91e+05 -0.601 0.548 -7.45e+05 3.95e+05
Bedroom2_miss -1.244e+06 3.38e+05 -3.677 0.000 -1.91e+06 -5.81e+05
Bathroom_miss 1.109e+06 3.37e+05 3.289 0.001 4.48e+05 1.77e+06
Car_miss 7.084e+04 2.85e+04 2.484 0.013 1.5e+04 1.27e+05
Landsize_miss -1.822e+04 1.12e+04 -1.630 0.103 -4.01e+04 3691.804
BuildingArea_miss 1.264e+04 1.25e+04 1.015 0.310 -1.18e+04 3.71e+04
YearBuilt_miss 4.737e+04 1.26e+04 3.757 0.000 2.27e+04 7.21e+04
CouncilArea_miss -4.717e+04 1.12e+05 -0.421 0.674 -2.67e+05 1.72e+05
Lattitude_miss -1.956e+04 1.89e+04 -1.034 0.301 -5.66e+04 1.75e+04
Longtitude_miss -1.956e+04 1.89e+04 -1.034 0.301 -5.66e+04 1.75e+04
Regionname_miss -4.717e+04 1.12e+05 -0.421 0.674 -2.67e+05 1.72e+05
Propertycount_miss -4.717e+04 1.12e+05 -0.421 0.674 -2.67e+05 1.72e+05
Omnibus: 13579.846 Durbin-Watson: 2.004
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 485785.597
Skew: 2.698 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 26.269 Cond. No. 1.20e+16

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 1.21e-20. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.

There seem to be many strong predictors in the OLS, particularly, variables like Rooms, Distance, Cars, Bathroom, but also the missingness indicators seem to have some predictive power. Interestingly the postal code is also predictive in a linear model, even though using the postal code as a numerical variable in linear regression does not make much sense, although nearby postal codes do tend to be close geographically.

Regardless, because we are doing a train-test split, we can feel confident that the resulting test error is a good estimate of the risk of the prediction.

ols_error = np.mean((Y_pred - Y_te)**2)
ols_error / CA_error

We see that the test error from the OLS is 71.6% of the prediction from the CouncilArea, and we can confidently use the OLS prediction to impute the missing Prices.

Y, X = select_preds(mel[~mel['Price_miss']])
_, X_miss = select_preds(mel[mel['Price_miss']])
ols_res = sm.OLS(Y,X).fit()
Y_pred = ols_res.predict(X_miss)
mel.loc[mel['Price_miss'],'Price'] = Y_pred

We have used more basic Pandas indexing and assignment to do the imputation above. Try to follow the precise operations we have performed. As usual, we can look at the sample distribution for the resulting imputation.

plt.title("Histogram of Price: imputed with OLS")