SPQR 1.0 (released March 29, 2009) is written in Matlab and can be downloaded from
SPQR | .
The program is for semiparametric quasi-likelihood regression (SPQR) which implements
quasi-likelihood for a single index model with unknown link and variance function, for the case of
a scalar response and a functional predictor. The user has the option to specify either link function or
function or both if known. For the case of unknown link function, the model does not contain an
intercept parameter and the norm of the parameter vector is constrained at 1. Estimates of link
and variance function and of the parameters are provided, as well as an estimate of the covariance matrix.
The algorithm uses the iterated
reweighted least squares method to minimize the Quasi-Likelihood function and applies kernel smoothing
method if the link function and the variance function are unknown.
Müller, H.G., Stadtmüller, U. (2005). Generalized functional linear models. Annals of Statistics 33,
Chiou, J., Müller, H.G. (2004). Quasi-likelihood regression with multiple indices and smooth link and
functions. Scandinavian J. Statistics 31, 367-386.
Chiou, J., Müller, H.G. (1998), Quasi-likelihood regression with unknown link and variance functions. J.
Statistical Association 93, 1376-1387.